Guest Author: Rick Homan
I'd like to welcome fellow mystery writer, Rick Homan to my blog. Rick has pulled off the impressive juggling act of publishing books One and Two in his academic mystery series in the same month. Read on to follow his logic and then I hope you'll check out his books on Amazon . -Liz Boeger How and Why to Publish Two Books at the Same Time By Rick Homan Several friends have wondered how I could publish my debut novel, Dark Mural , and Dark Exhibit , the second Nicole Tang Noonan mystery, at the same time. There’s some slight of hand involved. When I finished the second draft of Dark Mural, I began reworking it with the help of fellow writers. I’m in a writers’ critique group that meets weekly, and I arranged manuscript swaps through the Guppy Chapter of Sisters in Crime. One of my swap partners was Liz Boeger. This stage is called developmental editing. ...