
Showing posts from June, 2017

PATRIOTISM Matters in a PC World

Thank you, American heroes in the armed forces. Thank you.  Whether you served stateside or overseas, in 1776 or today. Thank you.  Regardless of branch, rank, station, or duty assignment. Thank you.  Irrespective of your race, political affiliation or your creed, or gender, or mine. Thank you. As we near the Fourth of July holiday, I believe civilians have our own duty. We must create reminders of the sacrifices of our servicemembers—and their families’ as well. We must ensure they have the post-service care and opportunities they have earned. We must not ignore them. I took these photos at a Chick-fil-A restaurant a few weeks ago, at the store located in South Tampa. This store is close to MacDill AFB, and is frequented by our servicemembers. Being a Chick-fil-A fan, over the years I have visited five or six other stores in the two-county area where I live. But this is the only one where I have seen this display. It was a humbling reminder of the ...

Visit My First Guest Blog

I am thrilled to share a link to my FIRST EVER guest blog!  Lois Winston has graciously given my main character, Ana Campbell some space to share an easy and fun Classroom Craft Hack on Anastasia Pollack's blog: Killer Crafts & Crafty Killers.  Click below to read it.  Hope you can stop by and leave a comment.


Luna Moth in Wandering Jew plants-a front garden find!  WRITE IN YOUR OWN BACKYARD-3 Hacks to Find Inspiration Write or Live?     This is my first summer vacation in ten years. Sun's out, garden’s calling my name, maybe I'll start a new quilt, and a list of daytrips is forming in the back of my brain. Instead, my butt’s in the chair! Like any earnest writer I struggle to find a balance on that continuum called life! I must be isolated to write, but I must also get out there and experience life to gain fodder for my wordcount. What is a writer-girl to do? Neighborhood heron on the hunt for breakfast. Try these three hacks that can be found WRITE IN YOUR OWN BACKYARD: 1)      LOCAL-MOTION —Take a walk or ride a bike around the neighborhood.   NO HUMANS, MUSIC, or VIDEO distractions allowed. Be sure to bring a notepad and your phone. I take photos of trees, birds, whatever strikes my fancy. (See Luna moth above.) I’ll pull t...