Guest Post: Ashley Lynch-Harris

I am pleased to welcome, Ashley Lynch-Harris to my blog today. I met Ashley a couple of years ago at the Oxford Exchange, a way-cool bookstore and eatery in downtown Tampa. I think you'll find her take on the writing process to be informative and uplifting. Please share a comment and link to her books below. All formatting wonkiness is on my end, my apologies. --Liz A Writer’s Creative Process By: Ashley Lynch-Harris I recently started pursuing my Master of Fine Arts in Writing, and one of my favorite aspects of the program is connecting with other writers. Although we write in various genres, we still inevitably find certain facets of the writing process in which we all can relate. Sometimes it’s swapping stories of how a scene just flowed from our fingertips onto the page and then the next day we share (often through a blended mix of sobs and laughter) how we spent the evening revising that same scene until it was unrecognizable. Sometimes it’s a shared understan...