
Showing posts from October, 2021

Guest Post: Lois Winston, Author of Stitch, Bake, Die!

  I am so pleased to welcome author Lois Winston to the blog today. She has a new, tenth installment to her wildly popular cozy mystery series out, and I am excited to be able to interview her about her writing! Liz:      Tell us a little about your current project/release. Lois: Stitch, Bake, Die! is the 10 th book in my Anastasia Pollack Crafting Mystery Series. It’s a semi-locked room mystery. Anastasia and food editor Cloris McWerther are presenting a series of workshops at a local conference but are forced to spend the night after an ice storm shuts down the roads. One of the conference attendees is found to have died in her sleep the previous night, but Anastasia begins to suspect foul play.   Liz:     Mystery series can run from three to dozens of books. How can an author keep it fresh-characters, storylines, setting, etc.? Lois: Throughout my series, I’ve introduced new characters who make occasional return appearances in other books. Th...