Building My Writing Tribe

Reposting my original blog page from 2017. Enjoy!

Welcome to the MOCCASIN COVE MYSTERIES blog where, "It takes a village..."

Surely, you've heard this phrase before. As a writer seeking publication of my first novel, AppleJacked! I have learned that building my social media presence is high up on the to-do list for prospective agents and editors. The to-do before that to-do, though, is to build my writing tribe.

Royal Palm Literary Award
As a rather private person the idea of "getting out there" was/is a bit daunting. To alleviate the related stress, I have enlisted legions of authors and industry pros through this fantastic network called the Internet. That’s where the “village” comes in. My tribe is the group of writing practitioners who, in addition to my dear family and friends, wake up each morning asking themselves, "Just what can I do to help LIZ today?"  Really, they do!

Starting with the great folks at the Florida Writers Association who offer among many things, the RPLA, (see photo and caption) and more recently, Sisters in Crime, I have met fantastic writers and doers always willing to help this newbie to learn, grow, and hang in there. So, as cliched as it may sound, it has truly taken the writing village to raise this writer child. THANK YOU! 

MUST HAVE: Writing tribe and Social Media presence…. Ughh!

Luckily, I write fiction, so a blog following in six digits is not essential, but I can claim about three digits on Twitter😊

Writing Tribe...CHECK (and growing daily)
Twitter...CHECK!  @LizBoegerAuthor

You are invited to stop by to see where this blog takes us. With any luck, we'll spend more time in earnest conversation about writing and not laughing our arses off about the typos and flubs I unwittingly post. I hope to give you some insights into my writer’s journey, maybe a short story or character profile. More do-dads and links will be added to shamelessly market my book--once I figure out how to do that without causing a power grid failure. Oh, and shout outs to friends about their writing successes and other ways to thank my tribe will be posted too. You will also find the names of some blogs and websites I follow. These are my “platform mentors” and I think you’ll find them to be great resources as well. That’s all for today. Be Well!

And as my wonderful mother would say, “We shall see...” 

Comments encouraged. Please be constructive and kind, I’m new at this stuff.


  1. Lovely start Liz! Have followed you on Twitter. Hope to see you on FB soon :-)

  2. Thank you both! Not sure if I am brave enough for FB, Judy---It may be a dragging-me-kicking-and-screaming thing!

  3. Congratulations on your venture in blogdom and twitter. I'm following you!

  4. Thank you, Vicki! Likewise on the follow!

  5. Congratulations on your new blog, Liz! I'm not on Twitter, so I can't follow you there, but if you ever decide to try Facebook, please send me a friend request.

  6. You're doing well, Liz! I'm now following you on Twitter too. Keep it up!

  7. Thank you! Will do! I just followed you too:)

  8. As one writer to another, I'm looking forward to connecting with you more! That's what's great about writers-- we know the love and hard work that goes into our writing and we encourage each other.

  9. Hey Ashely! I just downloaded your book, The Hotel Westend. I appreciate your comments and visit-spread the word :) Be well!


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